Sunday, 31 October 2010

Scary thoughts

This is the first time since I’ve started blogging that my blog has been the same as what I’ve written in my diary.

I love writing diaries, they’re great to read back when you’re bored or having doubts about certain things and it’s the little secret part of you that no one else has access to. A blog can be read by anyone and it can be written about anything, where as a diary is for your eyes only, it’s 100% personal and no one needs to know about the content.

My diary is titled ‘A note to my husband’ and is full of everything that this blog doesn’t contain: the little bits, the in between bits and the bits that will one day make a lot more sense. One day my husband will have full access to them, but until then they are going to line my bookshelf and make memorable reading for a rainy day.

Anyway… this is what I wrote:

“The weirdest thing happened last night. We (Becky, Nic, Gin, Brad, Tom, Will and I) went out, had a fantastic time, got back, were joined by two of my guy friends from here and then it hit me. I no longer wanted to drink.

They were knocking back bottles of wine- four in total and a bottle of Bucks Fizz- and I just didn’t want any more.

The thought of waking up today with a stinking headache, losing all dignity and being proud of it just felt stupid.

Maybe I’m getting old and sensible (some what doubt it, but it’s a possibility) but I just wanted to boot the guys out of the house, tidy up and go to bed.

Falling over and hitting my head really knocked some sense in to me. Ironic or what!”

As you can see this is a tad depressing having been a student for the past three years and living by the rules as every tax-dodger does and making the most of life. No matter how much my body was starting to love this ‘new me’ my head was still a bit confused.

Could this be the start of something beautiful or will the next blog start with ‘As if that were possible.’

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