Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Bad bad Laura Ashley.

I have always wondered why people move back home after finishing uni. Apart from finances, it always seemed odd that people would spend three/ four years growing up and becoming independent, and then essentially give it all up by moving back home once uni had finished.

I guess I saw it as kind of a failure. If you went to university in hope of becoming an adult (as well as gaining a degree) and then ended up back at home what did you gain?

Its kind of ironic that after being so determined NOT to move home after uni that I ended up back in Guildford.

So their is always food on the table, hot water in the pipes and the rent is very affordable, but it does on occasion leave me feeling like a child.

The main downside is the freedom that went hand-in-hand with university life is at its most non existent.

Unfortunately this isn't helped by my (sometimes very annoying) obsession with pretty things i.e household objects. As a result there is a rapidly expanding collection of kitchenware for a kitchen I don't yet own. Along with throws and cushions for sofas I have not yet purchased and my latest addition, table mats and coasters. (They're red with white spots, 100% adorable, couldn't say no really!)

It has got to the point where I will have to move out in order to stop buying household goods! My Mother even made the point I have to stop buying soft furnishings or her house will have massive gaps when I do eventually leave. That's how bad this is starting to get.

On a positive note it does mean I can move in with a man who has one suitcase of clothes to his name and we'll bet set for life. Laura Ashley doorstops and all.

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