Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Positive thinking

Here we go blog two of the day!

There is nothing more irritating and murder encouraging than those overly happy 'morning' people, whose single smile leaves you craving for the covers and instantly puts a downer on your day. Sadly, I'm am one of these people.

Come rain, sleet or snow I'm up in the morning, grinning for England and infuriatingly sprightly. And you'll be wanting me dead before the words 'What a glorious day' so much as leave my mouth!

But all the positivity comes at a price and when the tables turn I become Sylvia Plath in an Aga showroom.

To me positive thinking is a necessity, there's no point thinking negatively about things/ life/ situations, or only negative things will result from it.

If you want that dream then go for it. If you want that house then put down that mortgage. If you want that man then make him fall in love, play with his heart and then rip it out- only joking. That's murder.

And always remember, if S Club 7 taught us anything its Reach for the stars!

(Never did quite understand what the 'S' stood for).

(P.s Bet you're smiling now!).

(P.p.s Good luck getting that song out of your head!!)

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