Saturday, 18 June 2011

Day two.

Maybe its my middle-class upbringing or my love for manly men but there is one item of clothing that sends shivers down my spine and puts fear in my heart: speedos.

Now I will accept that some women love men in banana hammocks- let's not forget Freddie Ljungberg's CK tighty whities- but is there a more undesirable sight?

We have been here for 30 hours now and it is total bliss. However, I have come to one conclusion: everywhere you look there are men in speedos. In short Mum and I left the UK and vacated to budgie smuggler heaven!

But you may be thinking: 'If that's the worst of your problems why are you complaining and secondly stop starring at old men!" but there's more...

Whilst averting my eyes from the above you also have watch out for the old topless women.

Now this is also a holiday norm for most women and there's nothing wrong with it- after my brief boobage escape yesterday I'm practically one of the team.

But the sight of another woman makes me realise just how shy and reserved I really am. Maybe tomorrow I shall set the beasts free and take on the world...even though knowing my luck I'd probably end up with my bikini top wrapped around my head, trip over and land head first in some unexpecting pair of dong definers.

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