Saturday, 6 August 2011


I'm not one for splashing cash and I've been brought up on the proverb "don't spend more than you can afford." But sometimes you do get hungry and your eyes do get bigger than your stomach.

Today Mum and I went to London. We spent the morning plodding around the National Portrait Gallery, peaking at black and white photographs of Movie stars from years gone by. Then in the afternoon we hit the shops!

In three weeks time 15 of us are heading to France to take on their waterways and to test our navigational skills- I'm not responsible for the map reading so we should be ok.

On the shopping list today was the usual holiday attire, shorts, flip-flops and a french guidebook full of useful phrases (thankfully my French does not require a phrase book, unlike my brothers! He learnt German at school instead of French.)

It was while we were walking down Savile Row that I felt a twinge in my bank account. You see I've been planning to treat myself to a certain pair of heels for a certain event that is due to take place in November.

This is admittedly not the wisest of things to do and if I was to tell you that it will take till November to pay for them you will see my predicament.

I made the decision on the shoes a few months back, and as my rent is not too expensive and I have no other bills to pay/ children to feed and dress I decided now was the only time I could really afford to be so extravagant.

Ordinarily I would have laughed and thought "Keep wishing Miss Coussens" but for some reason these shoes seem to scream at me "You messed up, but you know what? You came back fighting and you did it!"

I know that every time I look at these shoes it will be a reminder that no matter what the hurdle is you can always jump it and land upright on the other side.

They will probably only be worn about three times in my life (November being the first occasion) but they will be left in my will to my daughter and become the first of many heirlooms I hope to pass on down and add to the existing collection.

They say that money makes people mad. I'm glad I am poor.

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