Monday, 10 January 2011

Rainclouds and SLRs

There is something so beautiful about listening to the rain. It sounds daft, really daft, but the sound of it just makes me think I could be anywhere in the world and just listening to the sounds of nature. (That is meant in a slightly less-perverse way than it sounds.)

Sadly, I'm just lying on my bed and thinking.

There's also something so comforting about the rain whether your inside or outside under an umbrella, it just makes you want to cuddle up and instantly makes you relax. Perhaps its the catharsis of the day, who knows?

There's also also (not the deliberate repetition) something extremely romantic about it, but that may have more to do with black and white films than anything. I can't imagine kissing in the rain is really as nice as they portray it. On one hand my brain just conjures up an image of two wet salmon-mouthed children, much like those birthday cards you get in Paperchase. And on the other, the penultimate moment
a couple realise what they have is for real.

If I could have any career and had all the time in the world, then I'd devote my time to photographing couples in love. Admittedly that sounds worse than saying 'listening to the rain is beautiful', but being able to capture human emotion is such a rare thing and something people take for granted.

The photos would be black and white, colour is such a waste, and they would definitely not be 6X4 or 5X8. The size would be irrelevant, after all, it was the moment they were trying to capture not the money they were worth to Jessops.

All you need is a couple and then watch their eyes, and you'll have everything you need.

If you looked at this photo every time you argued, every time you questioned yourself or every time you spilled a tear instead of a smile, then the world may appear a bit brighter sometimes.

If you can't watch a sunrise together perhaps listen to the rain and think of that photograph.

A picture can say a thousand words, where as 'I miss kissing you' is only four.

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