Ahhh Mr. Blogspot.
Firstly I would like to apologise for being so utterly rubbish with you lately. I know I should write more and I know I have very little excuse as to why you have been neglected.
Secondly I would like to introduce you to your nemesis and your biggest reason to fear for your written content...my notebook.
As a result of my laptop being rubbish and failing to smash into smithereens after a sudden flight of stairs sprang out of no where, I have taken to writing things down in a notebook. This note book is a permanent resident of my bag and accompanies me everywhere I go. It would make Austen very proud!
So this is why blogstop is a tad empty, because my notebook (which is named 'The book of general gibberish') is rapidly filling up with contents that should be blogged.
However, now that my diary (which is names 'A note to my husband') is competed/ finished/ full, I will be using you a lot more. I promise!
Sadly the husband is still yet to reveal himself or make an appearance of any sort, so I will need to start another diary soon. I hate the thought of him not being able to share my life- even the bits he wasn't around for.
So there you have it. Literary done and literally need to start some more literature.
Stickier than sticky the stick insect stuck on a sticky bun!:)
P.s Yes, I did just put a smiley face at the end of that sentence. And yes, I am aware that 12 year-olds do that. Bite me- but not too hard please.
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